Saturday, March 13, 2010

Page One

A couple of months have passed since I've attempted this health blog "kick-off" and here I am, trying it again. I was right in that entries did reflect my awareness and efforts to be healthier. In other words, when I neglected health improvements, I consequently abandoned this blog.
But a commitment to improve quality of life is not something I want to renege on.

I want to live a ripe old age with my ability to move and my mind intact. I wish the same for those I love. I know too many that I care about battling high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol (warning signs not to be ignored).

So I'll try this out again, a blog to share methods I'm trying, ideas I pick up here and there, food items that look promising, etc. Hopefully, people could share their experiences with what works and what doesn't. Maybe this blog can hit it off and be meaningful for someone other than myself.

For now, I'm going to set a goal: LOWER MY BMI to 25 or under.

I'm in the overweight range. BMI is a bit strict. Even my doctor agrees, but it's a nice guideline. Just remember:
It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build.
It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass.

Based on height and weight, you're placed in a category. I'd like to get myself into the healthy category. I'll have to lose 8 lbs to do so.
Bring it on :D

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