Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Healthy Relationship

1. Have a date night every week.
2. Have a date day every month.
3. Have a date weekend every quarter of a year.
4. Have a date week every year.

They don't say idleness is the devil's playground just to say it. There actually is a grain of truth to it. We can do the worst things when we're bored. Being bored in a relationship is not at all good. Discord in the relationship leads to detrimental stress and stress can erode any physical efforts you put into becoming healthy.
I maintain the mentality that becoming healthy involves efforts in the mental and spiritual arena as well. Stress is a killer. You can be in tip top shape and yet feel absolutely dreadful when anxiety and worry is present in your life. Your relationship with your significant other plays a major role in your happiness. It too needs upkeep in order to stay in good condition. The rules above serve as good guidelines in order to prevent your relationship from going stagnant and idle. Routine can be nice, but unchecked, it digs a rut and ruts are hard to get out of.

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